Book Pile

Current picture book pile. A bit less reading, a lot more looking at the moment. From the bottom:

Francois Halard - A visual diary, is an interiors education. Interspersed with occasional handwritten notes, it’s more a personal record rather than another fancy interiors tome.

John Singer Sargent, figures and landscapes - always loved him, this collection is a pleasure, and best enjoyed on quiet Sundays.

The Life and Art of Bernie Fuchs - a collection of works from the Mad Men era of advertising. Cinematic, ravishing, and with an unusual feel for colour.

Alexander Lieberman: The Artist in his Studio - a classic. Still good.

Diane Arbus, in the beginning - always open on page 181, ‘Jim Warren’s Famous Monsters Fan Club’.

Punk in Print: Oh So Pretty - a visual history of punk graphics. Printed on newsprint, it’s a celebration of homespun, analogue, urgent, communication.

Harry Pearce’s Eating with the Eyes - never not on my book pile. Everything good.


Box of Threads


Blue Bits & Bobs